
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Inovasi Tekhnologi

Wow.. Kayaknya kalo ngomongin topik yang satu ini menantang - menantang gimana gitu haha.. Ya iyalah coba lu ditantang untuk bikin at least satu terobosan baru yang akan sangat membantu manusia. Pasti ngerasa wahh inilah saatnya merealisasikan impian atau khayalan gue. hahaha. Yap !! Itulah yang ada di pikiran gue sekarang.

Guys, kita semua tau teknologi di era modern ini tuh udah canggih banget dimulai dari yang bermanfaat sampe useless be-ge-te alias ga guna banget !!!
Kalo gue sih pengen nya bikin alat yang bisa bikin langsing dalam waktu singkat tanpa harus menyiksa badan dengan diet ketat atau olahraga non stop dan pastinya bebas dari efek samping hehe :D

Jadi, alat itu berupa pakaian ketat yang akan membakar lemak saat dikenakan ; alas kaki yang bisa merangsang hormon dan pertumbuhan tulang jadi bisa menambah tinggi badan pada usia berapapun ; kacamata pemijat yang bisa mengurangi mata minus dan silinder ; topi telepati yang memungkinkan satu orang berkomunikasi dengan orang lain secara langsung ; dan chip sehingga kita tidak membutuhkan uang lagi untuk berbelanja melainkan cukup menggunakan chip.

Gue rasa segini dulu ya biarpun masih banyak yang gue pikirin hahaha :D Mungkin gue nya yang lebai :D

My Wish List

You know, i really love reading. No matter its a novel or magazine or even newspaper, i love all of them. Especially a kinda book like chicken soup n The Secret which has already inspired n motivated me. From them, i got "Life Lessons", and i learned to make a happiness journal. I write so many things on it include my wish list (they said, wish list is the most important to be written). So here is "My Wish List"

Wish #1
Learn n Play Piano

I imagine myself playing piano, i think its so cool. Because everytime i see someone press those piano keys they look elegant :D

Wish #2
Study Aboard at London
I love London so much n its a very good city to schooling.

Wish #3
Learn n Speak Foreign Languages
I wish i can travelling arround the world so i love to speak in many languages.

Wish #4
Watch World Cup Live
Ohhh i'm a big fans of WC!!!

Wish #5
Have an Orphanage
There are so many unlucky people out there especially kids who lost their family, how pity they are. Maybe i won't only build an orphanage but also a social institutions hopefully.

So guys that's all my wish, actually not all cause i still have so many wishes but its impossible to write them all here right? Ok, it doesnt matter..
The most important is i believe all my dreams n wishes will be come true however..
So, keep dreaming guys !!

Can’t decide? Try the one-item restaurant

When we were kids and our daddy took us out to eat on payday, we'd hit the old steakhouse where he'd down a whiskey before the appetizer arrived. We all ordered steak because that's what they cooked, things were simpler then.

Or so we thought. After his third whiskey that would regale us with fails of a time when things were really simple. Growing up in comunis Rusia he never to make any decisions. After his ninthe birthday they got him agreed job in the call minds n every other day he got one square meal of pigeon soup n stale bread, he never to decide between a dozen types of trendy flex-and-ultra brand breakfast or a hundred low fat microwavable plastic meals.

Alas, nowadays nevigating a menu is more complicated than opening your own restaurant. Even if you finally make up your mind and order something you usually get wrong thing. Yeah, you could complain but you hungry, damn it !! And even if you send it back you'll be famished by the time your next meal comes.

Time to simplify things. Welcome to the one item restaurant !!!!