
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

My Wish List

You know, i really love reading. No matter its a novel or magazine or even newspaper, i love all of them. Especially a kinda book like chicken soup n The Secret which has already inspired n motivated me. From them, i got "Life Lessons", and i learned to make a happiness journal. I write so many things on it include my wish list (they said, wish list is the most important to be written). So here is "My Wish List"

Wish #1
Learn n Play Piano

I imagine myself playing piano, i think its so cool. Because everytime i see someone press those piano keys they look elegant :D

Wish #2
Study Aboard at London
I love London so much n its a very good city to schooling.

Wish #3
Learn n Speak Foreign Languages
I wish i can travelling arround the world so i love to speak in many languages.

Wish #4
Watch World Cup Live
Ohhh i'm a big fans of WC!!!

Wish #5
Have an Orphanage
There are so many unlucky people out there especially kids who lost their family, how pity they are. Maybe i won't only build an orphanage but also a social institutions hopefully.

So guys that's all my wish, actually not all cause i still have so many wishes but its impossible to write them all here right? Ok, it doesnt matter..
The most important is i believe all my dreams n wishes will be come true however..
So, keep dreaming guys !!

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